gitlab-monitor-docs 1.0 Help

👋 Welcome to Gitlab monitor.

📌 Introduction

🔓 Key features

  1. Real-time Notifications: Stay in the loop with instant notifications. Whenever a webhook event is triggered, Gitlab Monitor sends an embed message directly to your designated Discord channel. This keeps your team well-informed about the latest changes and developments in your Gitlab projects.

  2. Rich Embeds: The monitor sends messages as rich embeds, displaying essential information in a visually appealing format. Each notification includes details such as the event type, the user responsible, the repository name, and a link to the relevant Git resource.

  3. Easy Setup: Setting up Gitlab Monitor is straightforward. Simply invite the bot to your Discord server, configure your webhook URLs for each repository, and select your notification preferences.

  4. User-friendly Commands: Interacting with Gitlab monitor is intuitive. Use commands to enable or disable notifications for specific event types.

  5. Security First: Gitlab monitor prioritizes security and data privacy. It operates using webhook URLs, ensuring that sensitive credentials and data remain safe and aren't exposed within Discord.

Last modified: 20 April 2024