gitlab-monitor-docs 1.0 Help

💻 Computer

📋 Running in the home way

  • To run the gitlab monitor self-hosted on a server via docker,

  1. Make sure you have a folder that you can store and run the bot.

  2. Make sure you have an url for the gitlab webhook.

  3. Check if you have config.json and mongo.json files on the root dir of your server.

💾 Computer requirements

🪛 Building and Running

  1. First clone the repository

git clone cd gitlab-monitor/
  1. Building the project

./gradlew bootJar
./gradlew.bat bootJar
  1. Moving the jar file to the root dir

mv build/libs/gitlab-monitor.jar .
move build\libs\gitlab-monitor.jar .
  1. Running the jar file

java -jar gitlab-monitor.jar
Last modified: 20 April 2024